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You are here: Home / Activity profiles / adult education;project management;authorizing and accrediting VTP

adult education;project management;authorizing and accrediting VTP

Our organisation type is:: Other

We are active in the following Technologies: User perspective, Social Science/Elderly, Field trials / living lab, Tertiary end-users: public sector service organizers, social security systems, insurance companies, Integration, Communication technologies / Tele-systems, Learning & Training, Accessibility, Other technology provider, Communication / Dissemination / Marketing, Public Health policies, Impact assessment, Knowledge transfer, Business development, Project management

Applications: Health & wellness, Hobbies , Home care, Information and learning, Knowledge Transfer, Mobility, Safety, security, privacy, Skills enhancement, Social interaction, Supply with goods & chores, Work, Other

ASSOCIATION OF “LIFELONG EDUCATION” (AELIV) from Gorj County (South West Oltenia Region) is a non-profit association, incorporated for solving some social problems, by promoting educational programs for adults . The members of the association work as volunteers, they are NCAVT (CNFPA) and MEN certified as adults’ trainers. Since establishment (2005), ASSOCIATION OF “LIFELONG EDUCATION” has promoted the policy of economic and social cohesion of the European Union, respectively of the South - West Oltenia Region, in the major areas of regulation "education and training professional" and "social inclusion and equality of opportunity" in the context of the South - West Oltenia Region. The activities of ASSOCIATION OF “LIFELONG EDUCATION” have focused on: • the providing consultancy SMEs in order thereof accreditation as providers of professional training - (re)qualification; • accreditation and development of (re)qualification programms in partnership with businesses (for practical training) for the occupations: manufacturer of aluminum joinery and plastic (COR - 7134.2.3.) mounter plasterboard walls and ceilings (COR - 7124.2.2.), the mechanical locksmith (COR - 7214.2.3.) / these programs of (re) qualification have ICT modules; • in partnership with a college in of Tg – Jiu were conducted the course of (re)qualification in IT "Operator introduction, validation and the datas processing" (COR - 4113.2.1); • in the period 2011 - 2013, ASSOCIATION OF 'LIFELONG EDUCATION" has participated as a partner in the implementation of project Active Aging With Knowledge and Experience / AWAKE. The AWAKE project contributed to improve the competitive capacity in the education market and the labor market, such as: - were carried out 2 educational programs (free) for initiating in IT 53 adults 50+, from disadvantaged areas of which 9 in non-formal system and 44 in informal system; - was prepared, published and distributed the auxiliary curricular„SUPPORT OF COURSE / INITIATION IN IT TO ADULTS 50 +”, consisting in three modules:. "Training in communication over the Internet, “Initiation in search a database using the internet”, "Internet use in solving personal administrative problem ". - the AWAKE project was selected as the pilot social responsibility project in the project “Competences and instruments for adopting social and environmental responsibility within civil society organizations” (ID 63046), project funded by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 - event that has made us known to among the NGOs - from Romania; • external evaluation of the project "Capacity Building for the nrps of the European Quality in Vocational Education and Training Network: Promoting Quality, Project no. 191183-LLP-1-2010-1-RO-LEONARDO-EQAVET.

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