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Hospital Information Technology Area, eHealth Software Production

Our organisation type is:: SME

We are active in the following Technologies: Service innovation, User perspective, Social Science/Elderly, Design, Tertiary end-users: public sector service organizers, social security systems, insurance companies, Information technologies, data storage and processing (back end), Interfaces, software (front end), Integration, Project management

Applications: Health & wellness

SIVSA was created to develop new and innovative hospital managing program in 1987. In those times, this kind of software was not available in Spain. That is how the star product of SIVSA: HOSIX was born few years after, in 1993, using COBOL technology for UNIX. Until now, HOSIX has progressed technologically being adapted to the market evolution. Nowadays we work in .NET technology, which is a WEB solution adapted and configured according to our clients’ needs. Principal characteristics and advantage of HOSIX:

-       Consider sanitary scene in a global way to facilitate process improvement,

-       Integrates all the services: administrative, functional and clinic ones,

-       Patient and health professional focus,

-       Global and advanced access to any the documentation or information from any medical post,

-       Facilitate professional interchange via any telematics procedure access,

-       Integrated, modular, scalable, interoperable and standardized


The best way to present our expertise is to show our important clients:

-       SERGAS, Servicio Galego de Saude, Galicia, Spain

-       Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, Spain

-       CO.SA.GA Clinica Santa Teresa en Ourense, Spain

-       Hospital Clinico La Rosaleda en Santiago de Compostela, Spain

-       Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa (IPO), Portugal

-       Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca Epe, Lisboa, Portugal

-       Santa Casa de Misericordia de Porto Alegre, Brazil

-       Hospital Marcio Cunha (HMC), Brazil

-       Hospital de Coraçao, Brazil

-       Centro Hospitalario Universitario Hassan II, Fes, Marroco

-       Centro Hospitalier Universitaire Mohammed VI, Marroco

-       Hospital Universitaire International Cheikh Zaid, Marroco

-       Seguro Social de Salud, EsSalud, del Perú

-       Clínica Reñaca en Chile

And others.


SIVSA has en extend experience in ICT Health R&D projects (2012-2014):

-       HOLOS (INNTERCONECTA 2) – Alarm system at different levels based on continuous analysis of clinic and ambient variables, objective or subjective or non-quantifiable in the objective way by continuous studding and processing of vital and ambient constants that surround the patient. All that developing new methodology that apply knowledge, carrying out necessary patient monitoring with innovative technology of no intrusive sensoring. 

-       CLOUDPATIENT (INNTERCONECTA 2) – Intelligent services interoperability oriented to a patient, based on data taken in real time from biomedical sensors. Objective: Achieve an active participation of a patient collaborating with a doctor in treatment or diagnostic aspect application. All that clearly improves a patient’s quality of life. To solve a doctor-patient communication problem there was created a consortium of companies that will provide important knowledge in ITC health sector.

-       AIBOT (INNTERCONECTA) – SOA architecture for interoperability between BSS/OSS systems for Telco operators that permits multisectors services compositions. 

-       CLOUDDOCTOR (MINETUR) – open platform for cloud services based on communication and storage standard protocols, compatible with different access devices (personal computers, last generation Intelligent television, mobile devices, etc.) and different entrance peripherals like interaction devices (mouse, keyboard, sweep button, screen reader, high contrast systems, etc.). Possibility of integration with biomedical sensoring devices is also under consideration.


SIVSA collaborate with the best investigation centers in Galicia:

-       INIBIC. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de A Coruña (ICT Health)

-       Gradiant. Centro Tecnológico de Telecomunicaciones de Galicia (ICT, New Department ITC Health)

-       Campus do Mar de la Universidad de Vigo

Contact details


eng.Emilia Szydlowska
Phone: +34986092100


SIVSA, Soluciones Informáticas SA
Parque Tecnológico y Logístico de Vigo, Calle C, Nave 9, 36315 Vigo
