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ICT governance models for health and social care

Our organisation type is:: SME

We are active in the following Technologies: Service innovation, Social Science/Elderly, Information technologies, data storage and processing (back end), Interfaces, software (front end), Integration, Communication technologies / Tele-systems, Impact assessment, Project management

Applications: Health & wellness, Home care

As expert in the development of ICT instruments for the health-care process, Social IT has a young and dynamic Research and Innovation Section, which keeps developing expertise by participating to several projects, both at a national and international level (e.g., UNCAP, “Ubiquitous iNteroperable Care for Ageing People “, which aims at delivering a platform based on open industrial standards able to create new care & assistance paradigms. The result will be an open source, scalable and privacy-savvy ecosystem ready to help aging people live independently. The project is co-financed by the EU through the Horizon 2020 programme, and it involves 23 partners (including several pilot user partners) from 9 European countries (IT, UK, SI, RO, EL, DE, SE, ES, MK).  We keep looking for new European and national calls and partnership for conducting effective projects in the field of ICT technologies for supporting health and social services.

Social IT provides several ICT software instruments for both health and social sectors.  Social IT can provide a significant contribution to an AAL proposal/project both from a technical and a management  point of view.  In particular, Social IT perfectly fits some of the required skills and experience sought for an AAL  project:
We have large expertise in today's health and care systems, especially in Italy but not limited to. All our software bring us every day in contact with care organizations that collaborate with us also in innovative tests (e.g., the UNCAP project). As such, we could represent a valuable mean for the active participation of pilot sites for the project, guarantying for them.
For instance, one of our software is Atl@nte and it represents an integrated care model oriented to the needs of patients and older persons: it is multidisciplinary, well-coordinated, anchored in community and home care settings. Moreover the system offers a valid instrument for the care workforce and helps in improving the coordination of care services as well as the skills and collaboration with health professionals, carers and informal care givers. Moreover, it integrated multi dimensional clinical assessments which are internationaly acknowledge tools providing valuable impact indicators.
As developers, we could actively contribute for new approaches for integrated care supported by ICT systems.
We have a solid background in project proposal writing, which includes a strong attitude to work in an international environment.

Contact details


Valentina Conotter, PhD
Phone: +39 3428717355


Social IT s.r.l.
via Kufstein, 5, 38121 Trento
