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Public institution of higher education - expertise in technological areas

Our organisation type is:: University

We are active in the following Technologies: Service innovation, User perspective, Social Science/Elderly, Field trials / living lab, Tertiary end-users: public sector service organizers, social security systems, insurance companies, Hardware, sensors, actuators, Information technologies, data storage and processing (back end), Interfaces, software (front end), Integration, Communication technologies / Tele-systems, Standardization, Accessibility, Other technology provider, Communication / Dissemination / Marketing, Public Health policies, Impact assessment, Knowledge transfer, Business development, Project management

Applications: Health & wellness, Hobbies , Home care, Information and learning, Knowledge Transfer, Mobility, Safety, security, privacy, Skills enhancement, Social interaction, Supply with goods & chores, Work

The School of Technology and Management of Leiria is the biggest establishment of higher education of its region and nationally one of the largest in its fields of expertise. The School has around 5,000 students attending 17 undergraduate and 15 master degree programmes lectured in day, evening or distance learning classes, in the fields of engineering, technology, management, public administration, and legal sciences, and 288 teachers (197 PhD professors). ESTG-Leiria has a center for R&D, a welcoming space for research, with several offices used by researchers to implement projects, and includes the delegations of R&D institutions. The School develops a broad and diverse set of research and community-related activities, within its areas of expertise. This may confer a very specific nature to the teaching that is provided, involving students and teachers in activities that enhance learning, whether by research or by its implementation. ESTG is also recognized as a Cisco Academy, a Microsoft Academy, an Oracle Academy, and an Edunet Academy.

In ICT area, our main research areas are: Cybersecurity; Quality of service in networks; Wireless sensor network; Mobile computing; Digital Games; Multimedia and cognitive systems; Complex and evolutionary systems; Intelligent systems; Distributed systems; Computer sciences for health care. And our main consultancy and other services rendered are: Applications for mobile devices; Multimedia projects; Development of web applications; Development of virtual/augmented reality applications; Decision support systems; Computer systems optimization; IT and communication technologies in health sciences, gerontechnology, and accessibility; Communication networks and services (applications, wireless sensor network, wireless, IP, RFID, etc.); High performance computing (HPC) with Graphical Processing Unit (GPU); Digital forensics; Short-term training.

Contact details


Susana Simões
Phone: 00351244820347


School of Technology and Management of Leiria - Portugal
Morro do Lena - Alto do Vieiro, 2411-901 Leiria
