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University of applied sciences of southern Switzerland

Our organisation type is:: University

We are active in the following Technologies: User perspective, Design, Field trials / living lab, Hardware, sensors, actuators, Information technologies, data storage and processing (back end), Interfaces, software (front end), Integration, Communication technologies / Tele-systems, Accessibility

Applications: Health & wellness, Home care, Safety, security, privacy, Other


The University of Applied Science and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) is a Swiss academy that can count on senior researchers with a considerable experience gained from many successful application oriented research projects with the industry. Department of Innovative Technologies (DTI) is one of the five departments inside SUPSI and it is engaged in engineering sciences in the field of applied engineering.



Institute for Systems and Applied Electronics (ISEA) focuses on electronics and information technology related to the research and development of new applications. The Institute’s main fields of expertise focus on the design of embedded systems, high frequency telecommunications systems and precise, miniaturized systems.

The Institute is formed of 4 laboratories:

  • Telecom Telemetry and High Frequency Laboratory (TTHF)
  • Laboratory of integrated biomedical systems (LSIB)
  • Microelectronics, bioelectronics and sensor system Laboratory (LMBS)
  • Laboratory for mechatronic systems (SMT)

With following specific research fields:

  • Design of high-frequency electronics and antenna, of innovative RFID tag and readesrs, and GNSS systems.
  • Design of wireless telecommunications systems,
  • Expertise on ICT system development for senior.
  • Biomedical, miniaturized high-precision systems in the fields of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering and on the area of clinical medicine and bio engineering, with particular interests in cardiovascular medicine.
  • Analog and digital microelectronics, in the application of electronic devices for biological problems in the design and manufacture of sensors.
  • Design of Systems-on-Chip (SoC) and Systems-in-Package (SiP), combining integrated analog-digital CMOS circuits mixed with Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS).
  • Industrial applications of various precision technologies, and on biomedtech applications to offer new opportunities for diagnosis and care.
  • Rapid control prototyping systems, miniaturized actuators and sensors and communications systems for control.




Helping elders to live an active and socially connected life by involving them in the digital society

The main objective of the project is to provide the elderly people with the means of maintaining social relations by developing an easy to use and easy to understand communication platform with social and entertainment capabilities that can be easily upgraded with security and medical features.



Service Oriented Assisted Living Infrastructure

The SOCIALIZE project will develop a hardware/software platform able to put in close contact the elder users with the community where they live, promote elderly social interaction and proactive involvement in the democratic development of their own community through the use of new technology implemented in the elderly day by day contest. 


TS Bank (AAL)

TS Bank - Time and Skill Bank for Active Aging

TS Bank aims to give the elderly a way to use their large amounts of free time and high skills in a way that is useful to society, enabling them to be active and feel needed, contributing to their well-being and reducing their dependency on care giving. To this end, TS Bank will develop, validate, and deploy an online platform that allows the elderly to volunteer their skills and time to perform work on a set of areas.



The aim of the project is propose and evaluate through experimentation, in agreement with partners in the region, innovative products and services based on the development of ICT and designed to meet the health and social needs of older people at home.
The expected result is to delay institutionalization of older people by improving their quality of life at home and also contain the growing costs of health and social.



Radio Enabled Activity Control Kit

The aim is developing a RFID tags kit equipped with sensors and wireless communication system capable of ensuring an improved interaction with the surrounding environment to people with disabilities.

Contact details


Simone Pellegrini, dipl. eng. el. MSc
Phone: +41 58 666 65 33


Galleria 2, Via Cantonale 2c, 6928 Manno
